Tuesday, 8 January 2013

So I'm back on Facebook and I need your help....

So yeah I'm back on Facebook, and before you decide to leave this post because of the crappy title, just keep reading and maybe you can help me out here cause certainly friends can't hahaha.

So yeah let me start off this story with a bold statement: I believe that Facebook (and other social networking sites) is the reason why most of us can't move on from broken off relationships, now hey, I know that's a pretty deep thing to say but hear me out...

In the passed if a man got dumped by a woman all he would do is delete the girl's number and move on and he would never hear from her again, like ever, unless of coarse he sees her at the store but that's not even plausible because if you're a wise guy you'd know how to avoid your ex without her knowing that you're avoiding her, but anyway back to the point.

Yeah so back in the day you broke up with a girl and that was it, done, its finished, you live, you learn, you keep going.

Buuuuuuut thanks to Facebook that's all changed. You break up with a girl and you keep her as a friend on FB because I mean you ain't tryna look like no bitch because then she'll know that you're sweating the whole break up thing, which is in my opinion not a good look.

So now you have to put up with all the dumb statuses and pictures she put's up of her new man, and you're sitting there like "Well damn, she moved on quick", and now you're all depressed because you were hoping you would hit a young "Comeback Season" but nooooope to late, she gone!

So what do you do? You deactivate your Facebook profile because this way when she asks your boy why you did that, there's an excuse like "oh no Donje is just tryna focus on school and the whole music thing".

Pow!!!! Problem solved, bitch is finally out of your life, so now you're just focusing on you and your shit, it's been six months and you feel great, better than ever, strong, you've even forgot about "what's her name". You've been so focused, that finally you set up a team called The BVC, you're focusing on your dream, and everything is BRAM!!! You're even ready to release your very first song, but then you get reminded by your smart ass manager (yes I'm talking about Eazymoney) that you can't be an up and coming act without an active Facebook profile, soooooo what do you do? You think you're a tough guy and go back on Facebook, and even get cocky about it and post a status saying "yeah, bitches,I'm back!!!!"( hahah yeah this is a long post but bear with me lol)

Then you get an inbox from the girl you've been trying to avoid for 6 months, and guess what this girl says....no like really, just guess....okay, okay, you cry baby, I'll tell you... So take in mind that the only reason you were off Facebook is to avoid this girl, yeah, so uhm, she says uhm, she says: "Hi, stranger :)".....
Like really, bitch? That's all you gotta say, you just gonna come here and ruin my progress with all that and not even have the decency to....aaaaaah screw it, so anyway yeah that's what happened and basically I need to know if I should reply or not and if "yes" what do I say? Because this bitch still got my balls and I wanna play it cool hahaha....

Hit me up on our FB page: www.facebook.com/BramVillage, like the page and maybe give me some advice, I'd appreciate it, I'll read all that you have to say and even reply, I swear lol.

With that said I will end this post and effectively end your suffering haha no I'm lying, I know you love my stories haha!!! Anyway Timmy gonna see you on the flippy (oh yeah that's my new sign off tag line lol)

love, peace and BRAM

-Donje :)

P.S: Oh yeah, that's me in the photo up there, haha I bet you didn't think I was black, and dont judge, pink is a very manly color haha, okay i swear i'm done! Stay BRAM :) 

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